My Book Shelf

This blog post has been written with the sole purpose of keeping a track of the novels i have read. Considering that i get trapped by novel-amnesia as soon as i get my hands on any novel. A person having this syndrome has the symptons like forgetting the names of novels , forgetting the story lines and even forgetting the fact that u have read this novel before or not :). But atlast i could fetch a way out for myself. I would also write my comments and reviews for each novel, if anyone of you, reading this blog differs on any statement made by me then ur thoughts would be highly welcomed and appreciated . Sisters - by Daniel Steel : Just OK, got boring towards the end. The Secret - by Rhonda Byrne : Still Trying to figure out that ” Why is it considered a best seller” The Zoya Factor -by Anuja Chauhan : Loved Nikhil and Zoya’s Character The White Tiger - by Arvind Adiga : Someone said that this novel is based on Ambani’s life, if its TRUE then i must say, his empi...