1. Fall ill every week and then blame your keyboard for giving you unimaginable infection. 2 .Make a biased comment on a women employee in front of 10 other employees. (Full proof formula to be thrown out) :) 3 .In the ’skills learned’ column in your appraisal form, say “making good coffee”.And proceed to demonstrate how, during the appraisal. 4 .Tell you boss exactly how you think of her/him. 5 .Say mean things about your office on your blog and then pass it over to your boss with ” Must Read ” in subject line. 6 .Make the maximum use of office stationary…order 10 to 20 stationary items daily only to go home and use it for your MBA coaching’s rough work. 7 .Use official phones to call your girlfriend on every min interval just to let her know that how much you miss her. 8 .Put up reminders on your desk for next week interviews with prospective employers. 9. Take holidays because “your grandmother died” and come back with a new look and haircut. 10. Take “best qu...