When Guests come over !!

I am sure all of us entertain some or the other guests very often. Some guests are there to stay and some just visit and leave. This blog post is dedicated to those guests who are visiting you overnight. Every time i am planning a stay over for my friends or relatives i want to play the perfect host aka Monica ( for those who are F.R.I.E.N.D.S follower , they would know ). Therefore i try to provide all little things of need in the guest's room . Here are a few handy things i have learnt over the years ... 1. Always ..always and always have an extra comforter ready. 2. Put 1-2 water bottles at the guest's bedside. Trust me,they would feel really awkward getting up and wandering in house at midnight for water. 3. Put extra rolls of toilet papers in washrooms ( especially if your guests are visiting from outside India). 4.Make sure to throw in an extra laundry basket for guests room. Well these are few things that i follow. I would like...