One of life's ordinary thought- "Death!"

This winter, we started watching our much awaited ,T.v show - " Grey's Anatomy ". By the end of 5th season we have already seen a lot of people dying and a lot being born and moving ahead in their lives as it comes. Knowingly or Unknowingly these things linger around on the top level of your brain the whole day. and one fine day the strangest thing happened..... while walking the road to pick my kid up from her bus stop...i let my thoughts wander ; and out of the blue, this voice loudly shouted in my ears" Cross the road carefully, You have to take care of your careful" But , that was a scary part. Where are u, just nowhere, what have u achieved yet...just nothing...And if not taken care would be over? On a regular day, for no particular reason , my mind has wrapped around death for the first time and i momentarily panicked. I would be turning 35 this year, and this is not one of the midlife crisis moment. Have you felt like this ...