Electronics DetoX

By Nidhi Jain Few years back i read this article : " New Milestone Emerges : Baby's First iPhone App", and it still lingers in my mind. This article was about a study concerning the use of electronics by small children. As adults(we) turn increasingly occupied with their "Gadgets" (tablets, ipads, iphones, kindles..etc), our children - even the smallest ones are doing equally well . The apps have been developed for all age groups - Zero to Eight all have their own games and apps. Ipads and Tablets are the Game changers because of their easy to use property. Though many parents express pride and amazement that their young children are so tech-savvy, she said, what has really happened is that technology has gotten much easier to use. " My daughter (five months) knows which finger to use while handling a phone", says one of my friends Sometimes we as parents willingly give our kids these opportunities to use the tabs and ipads, coz we n...