What People Usually Talk About.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Pardon me for spilling the beans and letting the secret of your conversations out in the open...but I cannot hold this research analysis anymore. We have this perception that when talking to our friends, we are talking about anything and everything...but 90 % of the time we only talk about the following categories. For example, women tend to talk about their kids, maids, and house, whereas, on the other hand, men have interests in completely opposite topics like sports (usually cricket in India), gym, and politics. I have done a fair study of the things that people generally talk about. Surprisingly it is always the same for men and women separately. So here is a chart based on my survey....... For Men, Politics Rocks all the time !!. And they have strong opinions about their favorite political team as well ( Secret here: Even though I pretend to listen to my husband talking fondly about political issues but I just cannot stand talking about them. ... s...