

1. Fall ill every week and then blame your keyboard for giving you unimaginable infection. 2 .Make a biased comment on a women employee in front of 10 other employees. (Full proof formula to be thrown out) :) 3 .In the ’skills learned’ column in your appraisal form, say “making good coffee”.And proceed to demonstrate how, during the appraisal. 4 .Tell you boss exactly how you think of her/him. 5 .Say mean things about your office on your blog and then pass it over to your boss with ” Must Read ” in subject line. 6 .Make the maximum use of office stationary…order 10 to 20 stationary items daily only to go home and use it for your MBA coaching’s rough work. 7 .Use official phones to call your girlfriend on every min interval just to let her know that how much you miss her. 8 .Put up reminders on your desk for next week interviews with prospective employers. 9. Take holidays because “your grandmother died” and come back with a new look and haircut. 10. Take “best qu...

My Book Shelf

This blog post has been written with the sole purpose of keeping a track of the novels i have read. Considering that i get trapped by novel-amnesia as soon as i get my hands on any novel. A person having this syndrome has the symptons like forgetting the names of novels , forgetting the story lines and even forgetting the fact that u have read this novel before or not :). But atlast i could fetch a way out for myself. I would also write my comments and reviews for each novel, if anyone of you, reading this blog differs on any statement made by me then ur thoughts would be highly welcomed and appreciated . Sisters - by Daniel Steel : Just OK, got boring towards the end. The Secret - by Rhonda Byrne : Still Trying to figure out that ” Why is it considered a best seller” The Zoya Factor -by Anuja Chauhan : Loved Nikhil and Zoya’s Character The White Tiger - by Arvind Adiga : Someone said that this novel is based on Ambani’s life, if its TRUE then i must say, his empi...

Tweek Tweek

Instead of putting the same old starting line ” Its been long sice i have written a blog ….blah blah blah” lemme put it straight this time ( Though i am very well successful in conveying the msg this time also :P ) Lately i was reading an article in the newspaper which spoke about ‘Twitter’ and i must say , this is the latest hot property in social network, afterall its 1.2 million strength of audience has risen to 6 million in just one year : Legendary!! When i first joined Twitter , I felt like i was in a noisy room where everyone was shouting and nobody was listening.Frankly i did not like the concept at the first use, it was less of a friends chatting tool and more of a self-promoting site .But soon i learnt the difference between a ‘friend’ and a ‘Follower’.Relationships on twitter are not reciprocal like that on Facebook or Orkut,here one can follow anyone without being followed himself - Good for me , coz on doing some wandering in twitter i discovered that some high pr...


Its long  since i have written a post ( although i just have two more :) ).And guess, what was the reason of this delay,well…. there are many, but lets put the blame completely on ” Was watching Friends”. And trust me its a good and a “blame-able” reason.Anyone who is a fan of Friends can watch it for hours without break.but wait… before i start the detailed analysis  lemme tell u that how i landed on watching Friends. ….The complete Friends Series  was a gift to me by Kalpik , a very good friend of mine, on “Friendship Day ” ( So all the friends around the world , now u know that what can be the best gift to be given on Friendship day , Right !)Hmmm. I am currently watching the 7th season and am already deep down in love with all the Friends Actors , esp. Matthew Perry aka Chandler Bing. I have almost stereotyped the cast members with a mind set of mine : Rachel Greens(Jennifer Aniston) : Stylish, bit Selfish,great Career Monica Geller (Courteney Cox) : Compet...

Step 1. BI mergers, Step2.Virtualization mergers Step3.????

Starting of 2008 was marked with sea-changes like IBM taking over Cognos, SAP over Business Objects and Oracle over Hyperion, means all Business Intelligence experts getting absorbed by the SW leaders. Came Mid 2008 and along with it few attachments like HP taking over EDS and rumors of EMC selling off VMware to Intel, clearly showing that Virtualization is the current target.Going with the same acceleration what can be the next target technology?

What's in a name.....

I wish to quote here , at the beginning of this illuminated and lucid blog , an illustration to the blog title ” That which we call a rose…………………By any other name would smell as sweet “ Just Imagine, if we all had some other names then had we been equally proud for them? Well…….i dont think so( for myself atleast).JLets rename things for eg lets call glass-> car and car-> glass, now how will this sound = ” Can i have a car of water ” or ” Lets go on a long drive in ur glass” (funny).Even worse if Shahrukh Khan was to be called Amitabh Bachchan and Amitabh as Shahrukh ( only diff –> Aishwarya would have married Aryan :) ).

Farewell thy CSC and Adieu thy Office of Innovation

A Sophian……A MIETian……….and A CSCian…., not bad, no bad at all.Oh,but from tomorrow i would be an Ex-CSCian. :(.I would have never even imagined tht a knowledge base of 4 years would get compressed ( using Win RAR :P ) in a brain in just 2 and a half years, Hats off to CSC for doing this. It has been a very challenging and fruitful work experience; an experience which I will look back upon with a sense of satisfaction & accomplishment. Working in Office of Innovation, CSC was always enjoyed……. - those challenging project ideas ( which use to pop up on daily basis),installation of new softwares everyday, those brainstorming sessions ,those emergency bridge meeting calls,Trainings, Partner sessions,client visits, last moment rushes, branding propagandas,etes time entries, T.T matches sessions,Team lunches, Mentoring sessions, Newsletters and presentations creations …….every thing was throuoghly enjoyed and worked upon with full spirit. I have seen CSC going through a sea ...